April President’s PRoclaimer Message

By FPRA Orlando President José Luis Dieppa 


FPRA Orlando’s Image Awards gala is around the corner, and we’re ready to honor our PR traditions and innovation. In addition to recognizing the amazing work, we’ll be celebrating our Roger Pynn Award for Career Excellence, ImPRess Award for Professional Achievement and Intern of the Year honorees. Plus, we have a magnificent silent auction with proceeds benefiting local student professional development scholarships and opportunities. Can’t wait to see you there.  

Did you know that April is APR Awareness month? Earning your APR takes your career to the next level. I want to congratulate all of our FPRA Orlando members who earned their APR. You are really an inspiration.  If you are interested in earning your APR, please connect with our vice president of credentialing, Melissa Zayas Moreno, APR.  My goal after completing my presidency is to get my accreditation.  

Finally, we are building FPRA Orlando’s 2023-2024 board of directors led by Valerie Moses. Please connect with Ali Beemer, APR if you are interested in joining our board. More information here.  I’m super excited for Valerie and the new board!  

Thank you,

José Luis


Quotes Corner: Advice for Graduating Seniors


Member PRofile: Rob Hubler