Quotes Corner: Advice for Graduating Seniors

By: Kiara Almanzar, Quotes Board Member and 2022 FPRA Orlando Intern of the Year 

From the COVID-19 pandemic to the housing crisis to the high cost of eggs, the graduating class of 2023 has experienced a whirlwind of emotions throughout their academic career. The turmoil isn’t over as the soon-to-be graduates face the anxiety of job hunting and navigating adulthood in a world full of chaos and confusion. 

While UCF programs like Quotes and Intern Pursuit provide opportunities to funnel students into the communications world, post-graduate plans are one of the biggest anxieties among seniors. The fear of the unknown keeps these students on their toes.  

“I feel like Intern Pursuit and Quotes’ Resume Workshop have really prepared me for my first full-time job,” says Valentina Ramirez, Ad/PR student graduating in May. “But I’m still nervous about not being experienced enough for a job.” 

This imposter syndrome runs across students of all disciplines, but PR professionals are here to offer their best advice to upcoming grads searching for their next career path.  

"Trust yourself,” says Isabela Roselione, Quotes 2020-2021 President and current public relations specialist at Flex Seal Family of Products. “You have studied and worked hard for four years, now you can put all you have learned into practice. Starting your career is a time to ask questions, and absorb information from managers, coworkers and mentors. This is the time to trust in your ability to be the best public relations professional you can be." 

While rejection letters can pile up, keep your head up and remember what your strengths are. Trusting yourself is essential to getting through the elongated job hunt. 

Jamie Floer, APR, CPRC, Fellow PRSA, is the communications manager at Toho Water Authority with years of experience under her belt in the public relations field.  She emphasizes that the job market in PR is “growing and thriving in the current market” and it is important to decide what kind of work they’d like to pursue. “In Central Florida, the top three areas are, of course, tourism, but also healthcare and education. Make sure to research your options and make a choice that fits your interests. There are unlimited opportunities, so good luck!” 

And in the end, this is only the beginning of your career in PR. Emily Garcia, Senior Account Executive at Zeno Group and former Quotes 2019-2020 president emphasizes enjoying your final year of college while the search for a job continues. “As important as it is to put yourself out there and begin your career, it’s equally as important to take it day by day and remember to celebrate your accomplishments! You have a lifetime to work and build your career, so make the most of these last moments of college and take some time to truly rest.”


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